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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
15:43, 3 September 2019WS2019Sept24 27Moscow program020919.pdf (file)53 KBA.Yu.Barnyakov (Updated 3/08/2019)2
17:19, 2 October 2019Briefing Book Final.pdf (file)16.58 MBV.S.Vorobev (Physics Briefing Book - Input for the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update 2020)1
12:16, 4 October 2019190305 CREMLINplus-WP5-budget final.xlsx (file)32 KBV.S.Vorobev (CREMLINplus-WP5-budget_final)1
12:18, 4 October 2019CREMLINplus-WP5-06022019.docx (file)52 KBV.S.Vorobev (CREMLINplus-WP5)1
21:16, 22 October 2019Res thickness 2.png (file)108 KBMustafaSchmidt 1
21:28, 22 October 2019Optical parameters.png (file)105 KBMustafaSchmidt 2
11:20, 2 January 2020SctParSim status 20191127 Belozyorova.pdf (file)607 KBRazuvaev (SctParSim: status and recent progress by Maria Belozyorova at software group meeting on 2017-11-27 (Friday).)1
09:18, 15 January 2020SCT Detector review.pdf (file)32.31 MBA.Yu.Barnyakov 1
09:41, 15 January 2020PID options for SCTF DIRC2019.pdf (file)19.85 MBA.Yu.Barnyakov 1
10:00, 15 January 2020Novosibirsk SCTF DeSyT2019.pdf (file)9.69 MBA.Yu.Barnyakov 1
13:24, 15 January 2020FARICHforCTau RICH2018.pdf (file)18.79 MBA.Yu.Barnyakov 1
15:02, 19 February 2020Agenda kick-off v16.pdf (file)953 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
15:07, 19 February 2020WP5 2020-02-10.pptx (file)1.23 MBV.S.Vorobev 2
15:09, 19 February 2020WP5 discussion.pdf (file)122 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
15:10, 19 February 20205.2. Ir5Ce.pptx (file)1.71 MBV.S.Vorobev 1
15:13, 19 February 2020WP5 year 1 timetable.xlsx (file)10 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
15:14, 19 February 20205.4. DESY-SCTF-CREMLIN-plus-kick-off-WP5.4.pdf (file)2.38 MBV.S.Vorobev 1
15:15, 19 February 20205.6. Cremlin DESY W5 JLU.pdf (file)1.19 MBV.S.Vorobev 1
15:18, 19 February 20205.6. Cremlin DESY WP5 6 BINP.pdf (file)664 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
19:21, 19 February 20205.5. DriftChamber DeFilippis 20 02 2020 v1.pdf (file)18.12 MBV.S.Vorobev 1
09:11, 24 February 2020KickSummary.docx (file)19 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
09:12, 24 February 2020KickSummary.pdf (file)202 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
11:19, 24 February 202020200220 102407.jpg (file)1.09 MBV.S.Vorobev 1
15:44, 6 March 2020KickSummary LL.docx (file)27 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
16:49, 24 March 2020BINP C-TAU Inner Tracker v02.pdf (file)2.26 MBL.I.Shekhtman (Presentation of Timofey Maltsev in Orsay 3-12-18)1
14:03, 25 March (file)6 KBA.A.Zhadan (Geometry implementation example)1
11:19, 14 April 2020Sctparsim fdirc angle vs true p psi3770.png (file)28 KBRazuvaev 1
11:02, 6 May 2020GeometryTools.pdf (file)697 KBD.S.Zhadan 1
09:38, 11 May 2020Cpluslogo.png (file)18 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
09:44, 11 May 2020CREMLINplus agenda template.docx (file)75 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
09:45, 11 May 2020CREMLINplus deliverable template.docx (file)77 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
09:46, 11 May 2020CREMLINplus milestone template.docx (file)75 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
09:39, 19 May 2020Talk-photon19-4.pdf (file)3.91 MBV.S.Vorobev 1
05:31, 13 August 2020Sctau softwareintro 02.pdf (file)308 KBD.A.Maksimov 1
18:03, 25 August 2020CremlinPlusWP5 6plans2020aug en.pdf (file)871 KBA.Yu.Barnyakov (Short discussion on 25/08/2020)1
18:48, 25 August 2020PlansforSiPM.png (file)1.9 MBAvetikHayrapetyan (Reverted to version as of 11:36, 25 August 2020)8
22:41, 25 August 2020CremlinPlusWP5 Aug2020 Mustafa.pdf (file)0 BMustafaSchmidt 2
14:03, 26 August 2020PlansforSiPM.pdf (file)1.93 MBAvetikHayrapetyan (Reverted to version as of 06:59, 26 August 2020)3
17:34, 14 September 2020Logo.png (file)12 KBKononov 3
17:36, 14 September 2020Detector school BINP meeting 27.08.2020.pdf (file)393 KBKononov 1
17:36, 14 September 2020School for YS SKononov 04.09.2020 WP7-kickoff.pdf (file)1.09 MBKononov 1
17:36, 14 September 2020Кононов 11.09.2020.pdf (file)1.18 MBKononov 1
17:37, 14 September 2020Школа Воробьев.pptx (file)76 KBKononov 1
17:55, 14 September 2020LOC1 11.09.2020 minutes.docx (file)15 KBKononov 1
18:48, 25 November 2020DetectorSchool Kononov 25.11.2020.pdf (file)1.01 MBKononov 1
18:50, 25 November 2020Minutes CREMLINplus DetectorSchool Nov2020.docx (file)17 KBKononov 1
15:36, 29 January 2021Rndm0.png (file)585 KBV.S.Vorobev (mvn3d w/o correlations)1
15:39, 29 January 2021Rndm1.png (file)544 KBV.S.Vorobev 1
17:30, 2 March 2021Vchep2021.pdf (file)2.83 MBA.M.Suharev (The "Software framework for the Super Charm-Tau factory detector project" article submmitted to vCHEP 2021.)1
19:57, 9 March 2021Detector school BINP 15.02.2021.pdf (file)874 KBKononov 1

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