1st workshop on physics at SCTF
From Charm-Tau Detector
Contents |
- Workshop timetable (in Russian), December 18-19, 2017
- Some issues of charm physics at the tau-charm factory, Mikhail Ivanov (BLTP, JINR, Dubna)
December 18, 2017
- Status of the Super c-tau factory project Roadmap (in Russian), Alexey Vasiljev (BINP)
- Status of the Super c-tau factory physics program (in Russian), Vitaly Vorobyev (BINP)
- Super c-tau factory: Collider, Pavel Piminov (BINP)
- Detector for the Super c-tau factory (in Russian), Alexander Barnyakov (BINP)
- Computing resources for the Super c-tau factory (in Russian), Andrey Sukharev (BINP)
- IT challenges of the Super c-tau factory (in Russian), Ivan Logashenko (BINP)
- Basic software for the detector simulation (in Russian), Fedor Ignatov (BINP)
Facilities review
- Tau lepton physics at B factories, Anatoly Sokolov (IHEP, Moscow)
- BESIII status and prospects, Yuri Nefedov (JINR, Dubna)
- LHCb status and prospects, Anton Poluektov (Warwick U., UK)
Tau physics
- Leptonic tau decays (in Russian), Denis Epifanov (BINP)
- Second class currents in tau decays (in Russian), Zurab Silagadze (BINP)
- Hadronic tau decays (in Russian), Simon Eidelman (BINP)
- LFV in tau decays (in Russian), Alexander Bobrov (BINP)
Polarized electrons beam
- Multihadron events with longitudinal polarization of the electrons beam (in Russian), Evgeny Kozyrev, Vladimir Ivanov (BINP)
December 19, 2017
Charmed mesons
- Charm mixing and CP violation in D decays, Vitaly Vorobyev (BINP)
- Precision measurements of D decays (in Russian), Dmitry Matvienko (BINP)
- Rare D decays, Alexey Garmash (BINP)
Spectroscopy and charmonium decays
- Spectroscopy of charmed mesons and baryons, Alex Kuzmin (BINP)
- Lambda_c studies at B and c-tau factories (in Russian), Nikolay Gabyshev (BINP)
- Charmonium and charmonium-like states, Galina Pakhlova (MIPT, Moscow)
- Complementarity of beauty and charm physics, Alex Bondar (BINP)
- Study of light states (in Russian), Mikhail Achasov (BINP)
- Precise measurements of J/psi decays and rare J/psi decays (in Russian), Korneliy Todyshev (BINP)
- Measurements with polarized electron beam (in Russian), Alexander Blinov (BINP)
- Radiative Corrections for Super C-Tau Factory: Status and Perspectives, Andrej Arbuzov (BLTP, JINR, Dubna)
- Some issues of charm physics at tau-charm factory, Mikhail Ivanov (presented by A. Arbuzov) (BLTP, JINR, Dubna)
- Phenomenology of near-threshold states in the spectrum of heavy quarks, Alexey Nefediev (ITEP, Moscow)
--V.S.Vorobev (talk) 09:28, 21 December 2017 (+07)