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18/10/2010 - Detector181010 detector19/10/2010 - Collider
1st workshop on physics at SCTFAnaDataObjectsAnaParticleCombiner
AnaUtilityAnaVarManagerAnalysis variables
AuroraBaseCompsAuroraMasterAurora VM images
Building 27/1/2C++ coding guidelinesCDR
CREMLIN+ projectCREMLINplusCREMLINplus budget
CREMLINplus kick-offCtd-internal-ml
DetectorDetector and event visualizationDetector geometry description
Detector school CREMLINplusDrift chamberEnglish version
Event data modelEvent generatorsEvent selection framework
EvtGenFCCSW modificationsFull simulation
Geometry validation scriptsHEP SoftwareHow-to: Add New EvtGen Decay Model
How-to: Install EvtGen + HepMC + Tauola + PythiaHow-to: MC Generation (RUS)How-to: implement subdetector model
IT projectInclusive particle momentum spectraInner tracker
Internal MainInternal WGs meeting June 2018Internal general coordination meeting 20180907
Internal general software meeting 20180702International workshop May 2018KKMCee v5
Kinematics toolsList of subscribersMC Data Sets
MVN samplingMain PageMarch 2011
March 2011 (English version)May 2011 (Russian version)Muon system
Muon system simulationNovember 2010November 2010 (English version)
PIDPID WG meetingsPapas tof
Parametric simulationParticlePhysics Workshops
Physics and Simulation WG meetingsRelease StructureReports
RoadmapRussian versionSCT-edm
SCT Collaboration structureSCT Physics Update 2021SCT mailing lists
SCT parametric simulationSCT talksSCT working groups meetings
SctKineSctParSim (Aurora)SctParSim (python)
SctParSim PackageSctparSim (PAPAS)
SimWG Meeting 2018 09 07Simple SCT parametric simulationSoftware Team
Software To-Do ListSoftware and simulation task listSoftware publications
Tau EDM and g-2Test pageThe SCT Detector Naming Challenge
ThesesTop-10 topics for feasibility studiesTutorials & how-to's
Use Analysis packageUsing batch system at BINP/GCFWP5 Task3
WP5 Task6Workflow quick referenceWrite AURORA/Gaudi algorithm
X2goX server settingsВнешнее ПО
Структура Релиза
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