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How to run remote graphical applications using x2go

X2go is generally a program to run X applications via slow network channels. There is straitforward installation instruction for various systems on the site.

First you need to start x2goclient and set up new session there. For example, host could be proxima.inp.nsk.su, session type "Single application" with "Terminal" selected from drop-down menu at the right.

Then each time you run x2goclient you may select the session, and it should open an x-terminal from the remote host.

To run sctau software you need to


in the terminal and then do all sctau setup stuff (setupSCTAU, asetup, source whatever_path/x86_64-slc7-gcc8-opt/setup.sh) listed in the Workflow quick reference. Then you should be able to start, for instance, GeoDisplay from the terminal via x2go client.

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