Workflow quick reference

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(Build and run)
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0. Зарегистрироваться на BINP/GCF кластере
== Register and prepare account ==
* Register at BINP/GCF cluster. Address to [[User:A.M.Suharev|Andrey Sukharev]] or [[User:D.A.Maksimov‏|Dmitry Maximov]]
зайти на stark или proxima
* Log in to <code></code> (BINP local access only) or <code></code> (accessible from the Internet, pubkey authentication only)
Если ещё нет создать ssh ключ.
зайти в gitlab
The login servers have similar configuration and share common <code>/home</code>.
зарегистрировать этот ключ в своём аккаунте
этот шаг у вас должен быть уже пройден.
The <code>git</code> is accessible using <code>ssh</code> protocol with key authorization.
1. Открыть центральный репозиторий
* If necessary, create <code>ssh</code> key using
и сделать форк к себе.
Agree to everything, passwordless keys are allowed.
2. Настройка рабочей среды.
Then you'll have in your <code>~/.ssh/</code> two files <code>id_rsa</code> and <code></code> - these are your private and public keys.
Full paths to the files are displayed in the terminal.
создадим рабочую директорию
* Log in to <code>gitlab</code> server using the same name/password as for <code>stark</code>
mkdir workarea
* Register your public key for your account: i. e add ~/.ssh/ contents to a from at the following link
  cd workarea
Директории для сборки и запуска
mkdir build  run
== Setup remote ssh connection via PuTTy on Windows ==
Настройка самой базовой среды,
* Run PuTTy
данную команду необходимо выполнять каждый раз при входе
* In the Session tab, in the "Host Name (or IP addres)" field, write:
  Use PuTTyGen program to create public and private key
  The public key must be sent to [[User:A.M.Suharev|Andrey Sukharev]]
* In the Connection -> SSH -> Auth tab, in the "Private key file for authentication" field, write the path to your private key
* In the Session tab in the "Saved session" field, write: a name that will be used for the current settings
* In the Session tab, click on the "Save" button
Выберем релиз и его версию, в которой будем работать.
== Create working repository (fork) ==
Для работы, требующей стабильности окружения, например, физического анализа,
Open central repository
нужно использовать этот вариант
  asetup SСTauSim,0.1.0
Для работ по разработке программных компонент этот
and make fork.
asetup SCTauSim,master,latest
Для простого запуска готовых примеров этих шагов достаточно. Далее:
  cd run
== Tune working environment ==
Each time you log in to a server <code>stark</code>/<code>proxima</code>, you need to
asetup ''The software version''
Запуск первичных генераторов моделирования:
Available version are at least:
  ctaurun GenExamples/
* 0.2.3 ``release'' - the environment before first official release
  asetup Aurora,0.2.3
* 1.0.0 release - fixed build for detector investigation tasks, for physics and
other task requiring stable environment. The 1.0.X series are intended for bug fixes.
asetup Aurora,1.0.0
* master - branch and build for future development without any warranty on
stability, compatibility or meaningful working.
asetup Aurora,master,latest
Запуск полного моделирования:
Ask software coordinators if you're unsure what to put as ''the software version''.
Перед запуском полного моделирования в текущей директории надо положить файл
To tune git do once:
taumugamma.root, с входными данными - частицы из первичного генератора
Этот файл можно взять, например, у Виталия: /home/vvorob/public/tuples/fccedm/taumugamma.root
First, do:
git sctau init-config
ctaurun G4SimExamples/
Check if the settings are correct. But the defaults should be fine.
Then apply the settings:
git sctau init-config --apply
3.  Для разработки нового или модификации существующего кода нужны следующие
== tune working directory ==
To develop new code or to modify existing one, do:
Возвращаемся в workarea.
create workare in your home directory (at <code>stark</code>/<code>proxima</code>)
mkdir workarea
cd workarea
Подготовка рабочей директории (делается один раз):
create directories for build and run:
mkdir build  run
workarea preparation (just once):
  git sctau init-workdir ssh://
  git sctau init-workdir ssh://
Go to working directory
  cd aurora
  cd aurora
Получение обновлений с головного репозитория нужно делать периодически при длительном существовании рабочей директории и
Fetch updates from head repository (must be done before '''creating a branch''' when the workarea exists for a long time)
существенных изменениях в головном
  git fetch upstream
  git fetch upstream
Подготовка рабочей тематической ветки, эта ветка будет видна другим людям, поэтому название стоит выбирать говорящим и осмысленным
Create a working branch. Give it a sensible name:
  git checkout -b MyDevelopmentBranch upstream/0.1 --no-track
  git checkout -b <TopicDevelopmentBranch> upstream/<target_branch> --no-track
Если хотим модифицировать существующий пакет, то
Добавим пакеты из репозитория
'''The line above will not work if you simply copy-paste it. It is intentional. It is important to choose correct target branch. If unsure ask software coordinators.'''
To modify an existing package check it out:
  git sctau addpkg GenExamples
  git sctau addpkg GenExamples
git sctau addpkg G4SimExamples
Если создаётся новый пакет, то надо создать всю структуру директорий, где он должен лежать, написать CMakeLists.txt и всё остальное, что нужно для нового
To create new package, one should create its whole directory structure, provide CMakeLists.txt and everything.
''Before creating new package ask software coordinators how to name and where to place it''
Useful commands to manage packages in you working area:
List local packages
git sctau listpkg
List packages in the whole repository
git sctau listpkg --all
or with regexp filter
git sctau listpkg --all 'Det'
git sctau listpkg --all '/G4.*U'
Remove local package (the repository left intact)
git sctau rmpkg <PackageName>
It is recommended to keep locally only the packages under active development.
== Build and run ==
To build:
  cd ../build/
  cd ../build/
  cmake ../aurora/Projects/WorkDir
  cmake ../aurora/Projects/WorkDir
Настройка локального окружения
To setup local environment (to use locally built packages instead of default versions):
source x86_64-slc7-gcc9-opt/
эта строчка принципиально важна, чтобы использовались локально собранные пакеты вместо тех, что в релизе:
To run
source x86_64-slc7-gcc7-opt/
  cd ../run
  cd ../run
  ctaurun GenExamples/
Run a generator:
  ctaurun GenExamples/  
Run full simulation:
  ctaurun G4SimExamples/
  ctaurun G4SimExamples/
Download standard job options and run with local file:
ctaurun ./
== Commit changes ==
In the 'aurora' directory:
Add changed files
git add <list of files>
remove unnecessary files
git rm <list of files>
Commit changes in the local repository:
git commit -m 'Meaningful message concerning the introduced changes'
Each commit should contain a minimal set of logically interconnected changes.
You may (and will) have many commits when developing a package.
Put the changes to the server:
git push
Wheh doing push for the first time, it is necessary to do it like
git push --set-upstream origin <TopicDevelopmentBranch>
After the push, <code>git</code> displays a link to be followed for a <code>Merge Request</code> (adding your contributions to common repository).
When doing a merge request, make sure:
* the branch is correct
* changes are well described
** reasons for the changes are demonstrated
** the changes are described
** influence on the other software and possible side effects are indicated
** there are links to related issues, if any
== Running graphical applications remotely ==
If your connection does not allow you to run X applications directly, please try [[x2go]].

Latest revision as of 15:36, 9 July 2024


[edit] Register and prepare account

  • Log in to (BINP local access only) or (accessible from the Internet, pubkey authentication only)

The login servers have similar configuration and share common /home.

The git is accessible using ssh protocol with key authorization.

  • If necessary, create ssh key using

Agree to everything, passwordless keys are allowed.

Then you'll have in your ~/.ssh/ two files id_rsa and - these are your private and public keys. Full paths to the files are displayed in the terminal.

  • Log in to gitlab server using the same name/password as for stark
  • Register your public key for your account: i. e add ~/.ssh/ contents to a from at the following link

[edit] Setup remote ssh connection via PuTTy on Windows

  • Run PuTTy
  • In the Session tab, in the "Host Name (or IP addres)" field, write:
 Use PuTTyGen program to create public and private key
 The public key must be sent to Andrey Sukharev
  • In the Connection -> SSH -> Auth tab, in the "Private key file for authentication" field, write the path to your private key
  • In the Session tab in the "Saved session" field, write: a name that will be used for the current settings
  • In the Session tab, click on the "Save" button

[edit] Create working repository (fork)

Open central repository

and make fork.

[edit] Tune working environment

Each time you log in to a server stark/proxima, you need to

asetup The software version

Available version are at least:

  • 0.2.3 ``release - the environment before first official release
asetup Aurora,0.2.3
  • 1.0.0 release - fixed build for detector investigation tasks, for physics and

other task requiring stable environment. The 1.0.X series are intended for bug fixes.

asetup Aurora,1.0.0
  • master - branch and build for future development without any warranty on

stability, compatibility or meaningful working.

asetup Aurora,master,latest

Ask software coordinators if you're unsure what to put as the software version.

To tune git do once:

First, do:

git sctau init-config

Check if the settings are correct. But the defaults should be fine.

Then apply the settings:

git sctau init-config --apply

[edit] tune working directory

To develop new code or to modify existing one, do:

create workare in your home directory (at stark/proxima)

mkdir workarea
cd workarea

create directories for build and run:

mkdir build  run

workarea preparation (just once):

git sctau init-workdir ssh://

Go to working directory

cd aurora

Fetch updates from head repository (must be done before creating a branch when the workarea exists for a long time)

git fetch upstream

Create a working branch. Give it a sensible name:

git checkout -b <TopicDevelopmentBranch> upstream/<target_branch> --no-track

The line above will not work if you simply copy-paste it. It is intentional. It is important to choose correct target branch. If unsure ask software coordinators.

To modify an existing package check it out:

git sctau addpkg GenExamples

To create new package, one should create its whole directory structure, provide CMakeLists.txt and everything.

Before creating new package ask software coordinators how to name and where to place it

Useful commands to manage packages in you working area:

List local packages

git sctau listpkg

List packages in the whole repository

git sctau listpkg --all

or with regexp filter

git sctau listpkg --all 'Det'
git sctau listpkg --all '/G4.*U'

Remove local package (the repository left intact)

git sctau rmpkg <PackageName>

It is recommended to keep locally only the packages under active development.

[edit] Build and run

To build:

cd ../build/
cmake ../aurora/Projects/WorkDir

To setup local environment (to use locally built packages instead of default versions):

source x86_64-slc7-gcc9-opt/

To run

cd ../run

Run a generator:

ctaurun GenExamples/ 

Run full simulation:

ctaurun G4SimExamples/

Download standard job options and run with local file:

ctaurun ./

[edit] Commit changes

In the 'aurora' directory:

Add changed files

git add <list of files>

remove unnecessary files

git rm <list of files>

Commit changes in the local repository:

git commit -m 'Meaningful message concerning the introduced changes'

Each commit should contain a minimal set of logically interconnected changes. You may (and will) have many commits when developing a package.

Put the changes to the server:

git push

Wheh doing push for the first time, it is necessary to do it like

git push --set-upstream origin <TopicDevelopmentBranch>

After the push, git displays a link to be followed for a Merge Request (adding your contributions to common repository).

When doing a merge request, make sure:

  • the branch is correct
  • changes are well described
    • reasons for the changes are demonstrated
    • the changes are described
    • influence on the other software and possible side effects are indicated
    • there are links to related issues, if any

[edit] Running graphical applications remotely

If your connection does not allow you to run X applications directly, please try x2go.

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