
From Charm-Tau Detector
Revision as of 10:42, 29 August 2022 by Razuvaev (Talk | contribs)

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The list of available variables.
Name Description Comment
p momentum magnitude
E energy
px momentum component x
py momentum component y
pz momentum component z
pt transverse momentum
M invariant mass(determined from particle's 4-momentum vector)
costh polar angle
phi azimuth angle
charge charge of particle
Mbc beam energy constrained mass
deltaE energy difference
deltaM Mass difference between the particle and its first child
dedx Energy deposition in the tracking system
pidkpi K/pi identification probability
pidkp K/p identification probability
pidmupi mu/pi identification probability
pide mu/pi identification probability
px_mc momentum component x (MC truth)
py_mc momentum component y (MC truth)
pz_mc momentum component z (MC truth)
pdgid_mc particle MC id
mraw particle mass before kinematic fit There is no KF yet
chisq kinematic fit chi^2
ndf kinematic fit number degrees of freedom
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