From Charm-Tau Detector
Endcap DIRC Detectors
Simulation Results
The following optical parameters have been implemented into the Monte-Carlo framework:
It includes the following paramters:
- MCP-PMT photocathode of the Photonis Aqua MCP-PMT with a high quantum effeciency (maximum > 35%) and collection efficiency (> 85%).
- The mirror reflectivity at the backside of the FELs
- The transmission losses of the optical grease to optically bond the MCP-PMT to the FELs
- The transmission losses of the proposed Epotek glue to connect the FELs with the radiator plate
All scans have been performed with 1 GeV/c particle momentum and a polar angle of 12°.
In order to reduce the effect of angle straggling, an additional particle tracking has been implemented behind the Endcap DIRC.
With the above mentioned parameters, a thickness scan with Geant4 shows the following performance of the Disc DIRC detector: