From Charm-Tau Detector
Name | Description | Comment |
p | momentum magnitude | |
E | energy | |
px | momentum component x | |
py | momentum component y | |
pz | momentum component z | |
pt | transverse momentum | |
M | invariant mass(determined from particle's 4-momentum vector) | |
costh | polar angle | |
phi | azimuth angle | |
charge | charge of particle | |
Mbc | beam energy constrained mass | |
deltaE | energy difference | |
deltaM | Mass difference between the particle and its first child | |
dedx | Energy deposition in the tracking system | |
pidkpi | K/pi identification probability | |
pidkp | K/p identification probability | |
pidmupi | mu/pi identification probability | |
pide | mu/pi identification probability | |
px_mc | momentum component x (MC truth) | |
py_mc | momentum component y (MC truth) | |
pz_mc | momentum component z (MC truth) | |
pdgid_mc | particle MC id | |
mraw | particle mass before kinematic fit | There is no KF yet |
chisq | kinematic fit chi^2 | |
ndf | kinematic fit number degrees of freedom |