From Charm-Tau Detector
Revision as of 15:37, 3 February 2021 by V.S.Vorobev (Talk | contribs)
The AuroraMaster package contains python classes providing high level interfaces to the Aurora algorithms and tools. To begin working with AuroraMaster you need to instantiate the AuroraMaster class:
from AuroraMaster.auroramaster import AuroraMaster am = AuroraMaster(purpose='parsim', olvl='info')
The first argument specifies purpose of the job option. Possible values are: 'parsim'
, 'fullsim'
, 'evtgen'
, and 'analysis'
. AuroraMaster initializes
Aurora services corresponding to the job option purpose. The second argument specifies general output level ('debug'
or 'info'
A job option is formed by a stack of predefined components. Each component has corresponding method in the AuroraMaster class. Let's begin with an example. The following code snippet is a complete job option for event generation and saving them to ROOT file:
from AuroraMaster.auroramaster import AuroraMaster, AuroraConfig # Instantiate AuroraMaster am = AuroraMaster('evtgen', 'info') # Plug EvtGen generator with specified root particle and user evtgenCfg = { 'root' : 'psi(3770)', 'dec': './dkpi.dec' } am.add_evtgen(cfg=evtgenCfg) edmoutputCfg = { 'filename': 'parsim.root', 'commands': ['keep *'], } am.add_edmo(cfg=edmoutputCfg)**4)