SCT parametric simulation
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SctParSim (WIP)
A parametric simulation is a tool to receive a detector response without detailed description of interaction of particles with matter.
Implemented detector subsystems:
- drift chamber
- FARICH PID system
- calorimeter
- muon system
The parametric simulation yields the detector response in the SCT EDM format thus allowing to analyze its result in the same manner as the result of the full simulation.
Detector configuration
The detector parameters can be changed in the run script (see Configuration section). The detector parameters and their default values can be viewed here.
Name to change parameter | Description | Default value |
B | Detector magnetic field | 1.5 |
mostProbMass | The mass of most probable particle | 0.13957 |
Name to change paramater | Description | Default value |
trackRhoMin | Inner radius of barrel tracker, m | 0.1 |
trackRhoMax | Outer radius of barrel tracker, m | 0.8 |
trackZMin | Inner z coordinate of endcup tracker, m | 0 |
trackZMax | Outer z coordinate of endcup tracker, m | 1 |
trackMinPt | Minimum momentum, GeV | 0.05 |
trackPtProb | Registration probabilities for different momentum, {GeV, prob} | {{0.1, 0.8}, {0.3, 0.9}, {1, 0.95), {10, 0.99}} |
trackRadLen | Radiation length in the track system, m | 187 |
trackResParPT | Parameterizaton parameters for xy projection | 0.00212 |
trackResParPZ | Parameterization parameters for z projection | {0.001281, 0.00308} |
trackLayerAx | The radius of layers anf the location radius of the anod layers, mm | {{6.306, 217.306}, {6.644, 227.1}, {7.165, 246.906}, {6.564, 341.938}, {6.794, 352.06}, {7.14, 371.992}, {7.388, 382.95}, {6.651, 467.57}, {6.823, 477.718}, {6.968, 488.097}, {7.12, 498.701}, {7.274, 509.535}, {6.768, 636.322}, {6.898, 646.501}, {7.007, 656.957}, {7.121, 667.581}, {6.791, 750.730}, {6.902, 761.027}, {6.995, 771.472}, {7.091, 782.061}} |
trackLayerSt | The radius of layers and the location radius of the stereo layers, mm | {{6.473, 280.136}, {6.747, 290.136}, {7.182, 310.863}, {7.486, 321.938}, {6.603, 405.941}, {6.799, 416.04}, {7.104, 436.741}, {7.314, 447.606}, {6.741, 533.35}, {6.859, 543.615}, {7.026, 554.088, {7.161, 564.762}, {6.778, 584.801}, {6.919, 595.108}, {7.039, 605.606}, {7.163, 6169.289}, {6.746, 689.948}, {6.865, 700.185}, {7.041, 720.09}, {7.165, 730.775}} |
Name to change paramater | Description | Default value |
farichRhoMin | Inner radius of barrel FARICH system, m | 0.82 |
farichRhoMax | Outer radius of barrel FARICH system, m | 0.9 |
farichZMin | Inner z coordinate of endcup FARICH system, m | 1.02 |
farichZMax | Outer z coordinate of encup FARICH system, m | 1.273 |
farichHoleR | Hole radius of FARICH system | 0.3 |
parSimFarichFileName | The path to the file with response histograms of FARICH | ./pi_ms_f1_mppc2_px3_d200_mla4_graph2d.root |
Name to change paramater | Description | Default value |
caloRhoMin | Inner radius of barrel calorimeter, m | 1.09 |
caloRhoMax | Outer radius of barrel calorimeter, m | 1.55 |
caloZMin | Inner z coordinate of endcup calorimeter, m | 1.293 |
caloZMax | Outer z coordinate of endcup calorimeter, m | 1.86 |
caloCosthmax | Maximum cosine | 0.9 |
caloClSize | Calorimeter cluster size, m | 0.045 |
caloClSizeEGamma | Calorimeter cluster size for gamma, m | 0.15 |
caloEMinBarrel | Minimal energy, GeV | 0.015 |
caloEMinEndcup | Minimal energy, GeV | 0.015 |
caloResPar | Parameterization parameters | {1.34e-2, 0.066e-2, 0.0, 0.82e-2} |
Name to change paramater | Description | Default value |
muonRhoMin | Inner radius of barrel muon system, m | 1.87 |
muonRhoMax | Outer radius of barrel muon system, m | 2.15 |
muonZMin | Inner z coordinate of endcup muon system, m | 1.88 |
muonZMax | Outer z coordinate of endcup muon system, m | 2.16 |
parSimMuonFileNameMu | The path to the file with response histograms of muon system (muon) | ./g4beamline_mu_plus_100k_parse.root |
parSimMuonFileNamePi | The path to the file with response histograms of muon system (pion) | ./g4beamline_pi_plus_100k_parse.root |
Parameterization (WIP)
Drift chamber (WIP)
The FARICH PID system works using the results of the full GEANT4 simulation. The system output is the particle speed and number of photons.
Calorimeter (WIP)
Muon system
The muon system works using the results of a reconducted stand-alone simulation on G4BeamLine. The system is a cylinder of eight absorber and sensitive polystyrene layers. The absorber is iron.
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr from Gaudi.Configuration import * from Configurables import GenAlg, EvtGenInterface from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter from Configurables import ScTauDataSvc from Configurables import PodioOutput from Configurables import SctParSimAlg from Configurables import EventLoader from Configurables import NtupleAlg, NTupleSvc from Configurables import ParticleCombinerAlg from Configurables import Gaudi__ParticlePropertySvc from PathResolver import PathResolver ofile = 'sctparsim_out.root' # name of output file eventNumber = 50000 # number of events ############################ #### Event generation #### ############################ podioevent = ScTauDataSvc("EventDataSvc") # Particle service particlePropertySvc = Gaudi__ParticlePropertySvc( "ParticlePropertySvc", ParticlePropertiesFile=PathResolver.FindDataFile('GenParticleData/ParticleTable.txt') ) # EvtGen evtgen = EvtGenInterface('SignalProvider') #evtgen.userdec = "./mydec.dec" #evtgen.rootParticle = "J/psi" gen = GenAlg('EvtGenAlg', SignalProvider=evtgen) gen.hepmc.Path = 'hepmc' # HepMC3 to PODIO edm = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter") edm.hepmc.Path=gen.hepmc.Path edm.genparticles.Path="allGenParticles" edm.genvertices.Path="allGenVertices" ############################ # SctParSim ############################ sct_alg = SctParSimAlg('SctAlg') #sct_alg.CaloSystemTool.caloClSizeEGamma = 0.2 # Example how to change a subsystem parameter ############################ # Podio output ############################ out = PodioOutput('out', filename=ofile) out.outputCommands = ["keep *"] ############################ # Analisis ############################ evlo = EventLoader('EvtLoader') evlo.pcl.Path = 'Particles' # Branch (in the input ROOT-file) for reading evlo.pListMap.Path = 'Lists1' evlo.plists = [['gamma']] # Partilce list for further analisis # Select particle combinations cmbr = ParticleCombinerAlg('Cmbr', decStr = 'pi0 -> gamma gamma', # Investigated decay cutStr = 'E > 0.5', # Selection criteria selfConj = True # if neutral particle True, else False ) cmbr.pListMapI = evlo.pListMap.Path cmbr.pListMapO.Path = 'Lists2' # Select variables to save to n-tuple tupl = NtupleAlg('piTuple') tupl.listName = 'pi0' tupl.fileName = 'scttuple/tup' # List contains the particle parametes to write an output file tupl.vars = [['px_mc', 'py_mc', 'pz_mc', 'E', 'pi0 -> ^gamma ^gamma'], ['M', ''], ] tupl.pListMapI.Path = cmbr.pListMapO.Path NTupleSvc(Output = ["scttuple DATAFILE='tup.root' OPT='NEW' TYP='ROOT'"]) options= { 'TopAlg' : [gen, edm, sct_alg, evlo, cmbr, tupl], 'EvtSel' : 'NONE', 'ExtSvc' : [particlePropertySvc, podioevent], 'EvtMax' : eventNumber, 'StatusCodeCheck' : True, 'AuditAlgorithms' : True, 'AuditTools' : True, 'AuditServices' : True, 'OutputLevel' : INFO, 'HistogramPersistency' : 'ROOT', } ApplicationMgr(**options)
More examples are shown in jobOptions